Computer nerd usually doesn't meet daredevil action seeking enthusiast, but in Jacob's world they co-exist together. He loves to be on his "Raptor or his KTM dirt bike". He is willing to try anything even though he has a fear of heights. Even though he is crazy I have always felt a sense of trust in all he gets me to do with him. He is really in his element out on rides and very relaxed Jacob really knows how to get away and have fun and he will figure out ways even when it seems impossible. We just went with our own little family and one of the 4 wheelers started leaking oil right when we arrived so Jacob strapped his big old dirt bike boots on Landon and sat him up on the handle bars on his dirt bike so we could ride as a family for the day, he doesn't let anything spoil his plans...
He is the General Manager for a Northern Utah Computer Company and has been there for almost 7 years. He loves his Job... especially when he gets to be "Superior Man" for the company's commercials. He works very hard to support or family.
Not only does Jacob work hard at work but he always supports the kids in whatever they are doing at school or with sports. Out of all our sports and piano recitals with all 3 kids he only missed one game because we had a carpet layer at our home. He is always encouraging the boys to be good at what they love and he supports their ideas. He spends time throwing the football, shooting hoops and he even jumps on the trampoline with them. Well and we can't forget playing computer games together.
Other things to know about Jacob would be that he loves music...loves to write it, listen to it he could tell you almost anything about any artist. Jacob even wrote a song that made it on the radio in 2000. Some of his beats were used in parts of the movie "Napoleon Dynamite". He has personally written over 100 songs. He has DJ equipment and loves to use it when he is asked. His favorite artist of all time is "Prince". He also loves movies and has some talent in video editing. He has done some fun things with our home videos. These talents add a little something special to Jacob.
He also has a domestic side...he loves food and LOVES to cook and create his own things with the help of Google. He has lived in different countries and we are always being treated with authentic dishes from Singapore or Brazil. Sunday dinner is his meal. He also loves to make breakfast, anything to do with Bacon.
Along with the cooking he sure loves to eat, He wont settle for fast food besides Carls Jr. if we are going out we eat well...He loves meat. I can honestly say we have been to every restaurant except maybe 3 in Weber County.
He is also Farmer Jacob. When we were engaged and waiting to close on our home he started a greenhouse garden in Feb. we moved in after we were married in March and had our garden spot ready to go in May. We had 3 batches of Salsa from our garden and Jacob even made a couple bottles of pickles last year and this year we have made around 50 bottles of Salsa.
Jacob loves to cuddle...and take naps.
He is the best instant dad...of 3 boys, the boys wanted to add that; "he is cool and is a good dad, he is fun to hang with and easy to get along with and that he lets them do all the things they like to do."
Jacob has already proved what a great person he is, not many men can do what he has done. He has opened his heart to 3 boys and all the good and hard times that come with them. He teaches them, helps them and is there when they need him.